Points of Dispute

Our expert team are able to quickly identify issues and prepare comprehensive challenges and, where appropriate, formal Points of Dispute upon costs claims received. This includes general challenges in order to comply with CPR and the more complex technical arguments, upon ATE Premiums, proportionality and indemnity.

In circumstances where challenges/Points of Dispute have been raised, we aim to provide advice upon the most appropriate/cost effective way forward and prepare detailed and robust Points of Reply (which incorporate both our experience and in-depth knowledge of the issues, having either prepared the bill and/or advised thereon).

Latest News

SCCO Sets Aside Notice of Commencement Served Prematurely

In ABA v University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust[2022] EWHC B4 (Costs), it was ruled a Notice of Commencement was served prematurely.

Defendant Not Party to Appeal Can Still be Ordered to Pay Costs of Appeal

Read the full judgment of Turner & Ors v Thomas & Anor (Costs) 

Court Approves ‘Clear and Compelling’ Test for Exceeding Guideline Rates

Read the full judgment of Lappet Manufacturing Company Ltd & Anor v Rassam & Ors

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Latest News

SCCO Sets Aside Notice of Commencement Served Prematurely

In ABA v University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust[2022] EWHC B4 (Costs), it was ruled a Notice of Commencement was served prematurely.

Defendant Not Party to Appeal Can Still be Ordered to Pay Costs of Appeal

Read the full judgment of Turner & Ors v Thomas & Anor (Costs) 

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Latest News

How To Find A Costs Lawyer That Meets Your Needs

Choosing the right Costs Lawyer for your requirements may be a difficult process. Since Costs Lawyers specialise in legal costs and fee disputes, it's important to find one who meets your specific needs and possesses the appropriate expertise.  Here are a few of the steps that can help you find the right costs lawyer: Determine…

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